A Machine Learning Model for Indoor Positioning of Bluetooth Receivers
This proposal is presented in the context of a tracking system for forklifts (and other indoor factory floor machinery) based on Bluetooth beacons. The beacons are placed at fixed locations in a factory floor, and periodically send packets with their ID.
The forklift is a moving vehicle, equipped with an antenna array which receives the beacons and can determine its stationary position on the warehouse floor by knowing the relative Angles-of-Arrival (AoA) of each incoming beacon. For example, if the factory has one Bluetooth beacon in each corner of a square floor, the forklift can compute its position after receiving all 4 beacons. By knowing the Angle-of-Arrival of each transmission, the position of the forklift can be determined.
This work aims to study machine learning models to estimate the Angle-of-Arrival of transmissions, based on data related to the phase of the signals that is captured by the antenna array of a receiver board.
Proposed Work Plan
Estimation of angle of arrival from phase differences
Generate synthetic datasets (with different levels of noise) for use in a regression algorithm which can estimate an Angle-of-Arrival from a set of phase differences
Design an adequate regression algorithm (decision tree, SVM, NN, etc)
Tune and evaluate the classification accuracy of the model
Estimation of final receiver position from a set of angles (i.e., outputs of the previous classifier)
Generate datasets where a set of angles corresponds to a given ground-truth position
Design an adequate regression algorithm (decision tree, SVM, NN, etc)
Tune and evaluate the classification accuracy of the model
Experiment with integration of the inference model with an existing position and tracking simulator and/or an existing receiver board with 8 antennas, and evaluate the achievable positioning accuracy
- Status: Open!
- Student: None (yet).