Completed Topics
In this chapter, you can find topics which I have supervised or co-supervised and have been completed.
Indoor Bluetooth Low Energy Direction Finding via Circular Antenna Array
This work is about indoor localization using Angle-of-Arrival in Blueetooth receivers.
Specializing RISC-V Cores for Performance and Power
This work is about customizing RISC-V processors with custom units.
Generating Hardware Modules via Binary Translation of RISC-V Binaries
This work is about using binary translation to create custom units for RISC-V processor pipelines.
An Exploration of FPGAs as Accelerators for Graph Analysis via High-Level Synthesis
The goal of this thesis is to implement a pathfinding algorithm used in traffic navigation on FPGA using High-Level Synthesis.
Indoor Bluetooth Low Energy Direction Finding via Circular Antenna Array
In this dissertation, the recently released version of the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol is explored, which introduces the ability to calculate the direction of signals, i.e, the Angle-of-Arrival.
Runtime Management of Heterogeneous Compute Resources in Embedded Systems
This major objective of this thesis is to design and implement a runtime software and/or hardware mechanism capable of determining which accelerators should be loaded onto the FPGA, and when they should be loaded.
Vehicle Tracking in Warehouses via Bluetooth Beacon Angle-of-Arrival
The objective of this work is to determine the method which allows for near-real-time tracking of the forklift, based on the Angle-of-Arrival of the Bluetooth beacons
Dynamically Reconfigurable Multi-Classifier Architecture on FPGA
The goal of this project is to devise and evaluate a complete FPGA-based, run-time reconfigurable infrastructure that supports the dynamic deployment of multiple K-NN accelerator cores.
Run-Time Selection of Customized Accelerators
Heuristics for runtime scheduling of workload onto accelerators in embedded systems.